Everything to Know About Pulmonary Aspiration!
Individuals exhibiting symptoms such as shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing food should consult the best pulmonologist in Lahore. The specialist will conduct relevant tests to diagnose the disease and evaluate the severity of the condition. It will help in opting for a suitable treatment plan for smooth recovery.
It is a condition in which the food and stomach content passes into the lungs through the windpipe, causing difficulty in breathing and constant coughing. Individuals exhibiting symptoms that correlate with pulmonary aspiration should immediately visit a medical facility for treatment as it can become the cause of death. The treatment is proven effective in smooth recovery without further damage to the vital organs. The symptoms of pulmonary aspiration are:
- The patient suffers from constant coughing, and the medication is proven ineffective in managing the symptoms.
- The patient struggles to breathe, and the condition worsens with time.
- The patient may choke on the food due to difficulty swallowing it.
- The patient may notice a change in the heartbeat. It fastens without prior medical conditions.
- The patient experiences a wheezing sound while coughing and suffers from shortness of breath.
The known causes of pulmonary aspiration are:
- The person suffers from the condition when the food or stomach contents enter the lungs and hinder the functioning of the vital organs. The risk factor that correlates with pulmonary aspiration are:
- Individuals with decreased gag reflux are more likely to suffer from pulmonary aspiration.
- An individual with a brain injury is at a higher risk of suffering from pulmonary aspiration.
- An overdose of medications or alcohol can lead to the condition.
- Individuals with higher body mass are at a higher risk of suffering from multiple complications, including pulmonary aspiration.
- Individuals with neurological or esophageal disorders are at a higher risk of suffering from lung diseases.
- Pregnant women are more likely to suffer from multiple health-related complications, including pulmonary aspiration.
- Throat cancer increases the chances of suffering from lung diseases; due to decreased immunity and malfunctioning reflexes.
The complications associated with pulmonary aspiration include:
- The patient may visit the doctor immediately to reduce the chances of suffering from chemical pneumonitis and related complications.
- The conditions affect the functioning of the lungs and may cause abscesses that can lead to sepsis and other physical illnesses.
- The patient is at a higher risk of suffering from pneumonia, which may worsen and become the cause of death.
The preventative measures to reduce the chances of suffering from pulmonary aspiration are:
- People must maintain healthy body weight to enhance their bodily functions and strengthen the immune system.
- People with gag reflex issues should consult a specialist to treat their condition and prevent further complications.
- Individuals with imminent risk of complications should opt for tracheal intubation to improve their bodily functions.
The tests that help diagnose an individual with pulmonary aspiration are:
- Thorough Physical Examination: The specialist will conduct a physical exam to check the abnormality in the heart rate. Also, the specialist will check the way the patient coughs to determine the severity of the condition. The signs of pneumonia and increased heartbeat correlate with pulmonary aspiration.
- Imaging Test: The x-ray will provide the specialist with a detailed image of the lungs and chest to evaluate the presence of fluid in the lungs. It will help understand the severity of the condition before choosing the treatment plan.
The treatment proven effective in treating a patient with pulmonary aspiration are:
- Use of Antibiotics: The medications will help fight the infections and treat pneumonia to prevent further damage.
- Suction: The procedure helps suction out the food particles in the pharynx and trachea that causes difficulty in breathing.
- Oxygen Therapy: It will help provide the lungs with oxygen to function and reduce the chances of health-related risks.
Individuals should consult the best pulmonologist in Rawalpindi for guidance regarding effective and latest treatment options that will allow them to function adequately without further complications.