What Are the Phases of Teaching & How Can Teachers Make Learning More Effective?


As a teacher, you constantly need to learn new teaching methods and techniques to help your students learn more effectively. You may already be familiar with these terms, but what does this mean exactly? Let’s explore each of these phases so you can see how they work together as a whole – and why it’s important for teachers to invest in their career growth by learning new methods of teaching and techniques.

What are the phases of teaching?

The phases of teaching are:

  • Pre-Activation Phase – This is where you present new content to the students and introduce it so that they can be engaged with it. You also set up expectations for how they will learn this new content, which may include any materials they need or guidelines as to what they should do while learning this new information.
  • Interaction Phase (or Teaching Phase) – At this point, you’ll transition from presenting information and asking questions about it to allow students time to interact with the material themselves through hands-on activities or other strategies. These activities could serve as practice for what was previously presented in the pre-activation phase or help students create their questions about what was just discussed.
  • This is also when you would evaluate whether or not your initial presentation/discussion worked well enough that your group(s) are ready for further exploration into deeper concepts related to whatever subject matter was introduced during your initial presentation/discussion phase (e.g., if your students were not able to respond correctly when asked certain questions after being exposed only once then maybe there’s more research needed before moving forward).
  • Post Activation Phase (or Response Evaluation) – In this phase, teachers should evaluate whether or not their students were able to respond appropriately when asked certain questions. If they did not, then teachers should assess why that is and how they can help the students understand what they need to know more clearly. For eg., if one child thought that “good” and “bad” were opposites of each other because they are both used in sentences like “You did good!” then maybe this could be an opportunity for a deeper discussion about how these words actually have different meanings).

After having gone through all three previous phases (pre-activation + interaction + post-activation), teachers should write down feedback based on observations made during these stages so that the next time around, these points can be improved upon.

How can teachers employ classroom management strategies to make their teaching more effective?

You can motivate students by implementing classroom management strategies and rewarding them for their behaviour. One good example of a classroom strategy would be making an effort to put yourself in your student’s shoes. For example, if you were a student who was constantly being distracted by the person next to you, wouldn’t you feel frustrated? And what if this happened over and over again every day? Hence, you can put a strategy in place for seat regulation and shifting of places on a regular basis.

Look at this another example, if you are teaching science, have the students monitor each other’s progress and help each other out when they get stuck. This will motivate them because they feel like they are contributing to their own learning experience.

Moreover, as a teacher, it can be difficult not to get upset with your students when they misbehave or make excuses for not completing their work. However, instead of focusing on these negative aspects of their behaviour, try looking at things from their perspective instead and think about why they might be acting this way (e.g., are they feeling anxious about something?)

You can create a list of rules that students need to adhere to and then enforce these rules to maintain order within the classroom. You may also want to create consequences for bad behaviour so that students know what will happen if they do not follow your instructions.

Why should teachers invest in their teaching skills to make their teaching more effective?

Teachers can be the most important factor in a student’s success. A good teacher can make a huge difference in a student’s life, which is why it’s so important for teachers to invest in their skills and career growth.

Teachers are experts at what they do, but that doesn’t mean they should stop learning new teaching methods. Just like anything else, people who work with students need to constantly strive for improvement. This includes taking classes on teaching techniques outside of their school and attending workshops offered by fellow educators.

Asking for feedback about your teaching style from parents can also help you improve your skillset as well as get ideas on how you could help students learn better overall. This can help students learn better.

A teacher who knows what methods have proven effective at engaging students will be able to create lessons that encourage active participation while still achieving the desired learning outcomes. The ultimate goal of any educator should be improving their impact on youth—and this means helping them succeed academically!


Teachers have a lot on their plates, but the rewards are worth it. Not only do you get to make a positive impact on students’ lives every day, but your job also offers many opportunities for growth as an educator. Whether it’s learning new methods of teaching or implementing classroom management strategies, there are ways to become an even better teacher—and we hope this article has shown you some of those ways!

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