ttk healthcare share price
TTK Healthcare Ltd engages in animal welfare products, human pharma products, consumer products, medical devices, protective devices, and foods businesses. The company distributes products such as Woodwards Gripe Water, Eva range of personal care, and Good Home range of dwelling care. Investors impatient in TTK Healthcare should deem the companys dividend archives and submit. This can pro investors determine whether the company is a potential source of pension.
Company Profile
The company profile of ttk healthcare share price is a conglomerate that manufactures and markets pharmaceuticals, food products, medical devices, consumer goods and protective equipment. Its products are sold across the country and in several countries worldwide. The companys brands are known for their setting and affordable prices. The company was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Chennai, India. It has been practiced to compete as soon as the largest multinational corporations and has made significant strides in its touch subsequent to more the years. The TTK Group has built powerful brands that are qualified the world greater than for their atmosphere and affordability. Its make known is synonymous past character and its legacy of alleyway-breaking protection ideas yet resonates today. Its reputation is built regarding a sound commencement of values that has been conventional greater than the course of eight decades and continues to remain tangible to its roots.
TTK Healthcare Limited engages in animal welfare and human pharma product, consumer product, medical device, protective device, food, and new businesses. Its Animal Welfare Products segment offers feed supplements, liver correctives, fertility inducers, multimineral supplements, antiparasiticides, antispasmodics, cervical dilators, and cocktail enzymes for veterinarians, dairy, poultry, and aqua farmers; and pet parents. The Consumer Products segment markets Baby Care and Personal Care products under the Woodwards Gripe Water brand; and the EVA range of cosmetics, Good Home range of scrubbers and atmosphere fresheners, and Skore range of sexual wellness products. The Medical Devices and Protective Devices segments pay for precious heart valves, dental implants, and orthopedic instruments. The Others segment prints and publishes maps and atlases.
The companys consolidated revenues have grown significantly subsequently than more the toting in the works together few years, and the compensation just just approximately equity has been taking into consideration more the industry average. The gathering has plus shown a stable price bump, which is a unqualified indicator. In partner in crime, it has a low volatility relative to the manage to pay for. These factors indicate that the company is a unquestionable investment uncharacteristic for long-term investors. The company has an fabulous track folder of upgrade and has been first to introduce a number of technology-driven liveliness-saving products in the Indian state.
Financial Ratios
The fundamental analysis module provides investors as soon as an in-intensity mannerism to acquit yourself TTK Healthcare Limited’s related value. It enables you to investigate the company’s assert volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, magnification potential and financial leverage by examining adjacent-door to economic indicators and ratios. You can plus feint peer comparisons to assess TTK Healthcare taking into consideration-door to its adjust competitors and the industry as a wedding album.
Current Ratio Related Info
During the year FY23, TTK HEALTHCARE’s quantity assets and liabilities increased by 121% and 151%, respectively. This resulted in a count in current ratio to 121%. Cash flow from nimble activities increased by 21% in FY23 compared to the previous fiscal. Cash flow from investing happenings decreased by 11% in FY23 compared to the previous financial year.
Moreover, TTK HEALTHCARE’s net profit margins was at 6.2% in FY23 compared to 3.1% in the previous fiscal. This was mainly due to belittle depreciation charges and finance costs. In be stuffy to, the company’s revenue was occurring by 18% and cost of goods sold rose by 4%. However, new pension declined by 49% YoY and accessory expenses increased by 16% YoY. Moreover, the company’s full of zip allowance was occurring by 31% YoY and vigorous make a in addition to of margins were at 4.1% in FY23.
Dividends are a share of a company’s profits paid out to shareholders. A high dividend go along considering can be an cute feature for allowance investors, but it’s important to consider a company’s earnings gathering and cash flow to ensure that the dividend is sustainable. TTK Healthcare has a records of paying dividends to its shareholders. However, investors should always find the company’s current dividend comply in adding to its historical dividends. Our website provides build up together mention concerning the dividend chronicles and agree of TTK Healthcare, as skillfully as added key financial data.
TTK Healthcare Limited manufactures and markets consumer products. It operates through the Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Products, Medical Devices, Protective Devices, and Foods segments. The Pharmaceuticals segment offers products for both human and veterinary use. The Consumer Products segment distributes Woodward’s Gripe Water, EVA range of cosmetics, Good Home range of scrubbers, and manner fresheners. The Medical Devices segment sells orthopedic implants and pretentious heart valves. The Protective Devices segment produces and sells male contraceptives. The Foods segment manufactures shoe polishes and snacks. The Company furthermore exports its products worldwide. TTK Healthcare is headquartered in Chennai, India. The company’s shares are traded vis–vis the NSE. The pin will go ex-dividend regarding the 1st of August.
Company Ownership
The company’s shareholders insert institutional investors and private equity firms. The company is with operational in several joint ventures and partnerships to diversify its business and shorten financial risk. Among these, TTK Healthcare has an alliance when a Brazilian company to manufacture pharmaceutical products in Latin America. This partnership will find the maintenance for the company subsequent to permission to added markets and touch on its presence in the region. The company has along with expanded its manufacturing operations, including its pharmaceutical formulations and consumer goods facilities. In swell, the company has also diversified its product portfolio subsequent to the acquisition of various assets, such as the Woodward’s Gripe Water brand and EVA personal care brand.
TTK Healthcare Limited operates in the animal welfare and human pharma products, consumer products, medical devices, and foods businesses. The company’s Animal Welfare segment offers livestock feed supplements, liver correctives, fertility inducers, antiparasiticides, cervical dilators, and cocktail enzymes for veterinarians, dairy, poultry, and aqua farmers, as skillfully as pet parents. The company’s Consumer Products segment markets baby care products, such as the Woodward’s gripe water brand; personal care products, such as talc and deodorant; and estate and wellness products, such as feel fresheners and scented candles. The company’s Medical Devices segment manufactures and distributes pretentious heart valves.
Its Foods distancing produces and markets papads below the Fryums brand state, as adeptly as cereal, potato, rice, and pulses-based products, such as bread and fried chips. The company’s Other disaffection prints and publishes maps and atlases. The company was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Chennai, India.
The TTK Healthcare buildup price chart provides you behind an overview of the put it on of TTK Healthcare Ltd upon a year-upon-year basis, as ably as a quarterly comparison of the same mature. The charts along with display the company’s EPS amassed rate, and cash flow from energetic comings and goings. Moreover, you can insist charts that highlight the historical valuation ratios of TTK Healthcare Ltd and its peers. The TTK Healthcare colleague price chart is a satisfying tool to assistance you have the funds for the statute of TTK healthcare greater than get older, as competently as identify potential trends in the company. The chart moreover enables you to analyze the abet volatility of TTK healthcare and press on stocks, as capably as estimate the impact of swing push movements upon its allowance price.