Tobacco Lagom

Tobacco Lagom: The Art Of Moderation In Smoking

A range of chemicals are found in smokeless tobacco products. These include nicotine, alkaloids and nitrosamines. These chemicals are carcinogenic. The levels of nitrosamines increase during prolonged storage. Khaini is a dry snuff made from sun-dried or fermented coarsely cut leaves of N. rustica and N. tabacum. It is used orally and nasally, and often mixed with areca nut.


In the northwestern part of Alaska, indigenous people use a homemade form of smokeless tobacco called Iq’mik (also known as Black Bull). This consists of fire- and air-cured tobacco leaves mixed with fungus or punk ash from burning driftwood, alder bush, or willow bush. The resulting thick chewable product is stored in boxes and shared among family members and community members to use as needed.

The high pH of iq’mik, derived from the alkalinity of the punk and willow ashes, results in unionized nicotine values that are very high on a per-dose basis compared to traditional moist snuff dip. The estimated average nicotine value for iq’mik is 39 mg/g. This is comparable to the value of 48 mg/g reported for chewing tobacco products. Moreover, iq’mik is rich in TSNAs.


A smokeless tobacco product used in South Asia, including the Indian subcontinent. It consists of sun-dried and roasted finely chopped, powdered local tobacco (N. rustica and N. tabacum) mixed with areca nut, slaked lime and catechu, and flavouring agents. It is placed between the lower lip and gum and chewed for several minutes. It contains a high concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and probably also of urethane, formaldehyde and crotonaldehyde, all known or probable human carcinogens.

Moist plug tobacco is made from darker grades of bright and Burley tobacco leaves that have been air- or flue-cured. It contains a significant amount of moisture and may contain up to 50% sugar. Moist plug tobacco is typically sucked or inhaled and can be used as a dentifrice, held between the lips or cheek and gum and saliva is spat out.


Gutka (ghutka) is a smokeless tobacco product that contains areca nuts, lime, catechu, slaked lime and other ingredients and is used in India and by Indians living abroad. These ingredients are known to be carcinogenic and may be responsible for oral cancer among habitual users of these products.

A recent study found that gutka use increases the risk of mouth cancer. It is recommended that the government increase awareness about the dangers of the product, and that a health hazard warning be placed on it. In addition, the government should restrict access for adolescents and prohibit the sale of gutka to minors to curb the usage. It also should introduce education and prevention programs to reduce gutka consumption. This would help reduce the incidence of oral cancer in the country.

Red Tooth Powder

Red tooth powder is a fine, reddish-brown tobacco powder that contains a variety of herbs and extracts. It is used to freshen breath and promote dental health. It also relieves gum problems and sensitivity. Its color is derived from red clay and the formulation includes clove oil. It is a popular smokeless product in South Asia.

Other types of smokeless tobacco include mawa, mishri, and maccaboy snuff. These products are made from sun-cured areca nut, crushed tobacco leaves, and slaked lime. They are placed in the mouth and chewed for 10-20 min. They are also applied to teeth and gums as a dentifrice.

Chemicals found in smokeless tobacco Lagom products include nicotine, alkaloids, phenols, coumarins, and radioactive polonium (Tso, 1990). These chemicals can harm the body. Nicotine primarily affects the nervous system and is addictive.


Shammah is a smokeless tobacco (ST) product commonly used in the Arabian Peninsula. It is a mixture of powdered tobacco, lime, ash, black pepper and oils. It is placed in the buccal cavity or lower labial vestibule of the mouth and chewed for 10 – 20 minutes. It is then spit out. ST is linked to a variety of harmful effects, including dental disease and cancers of the oesophagus and throat.

The Bible tells us about the courageous, loyal Shammah, son of Agee the Hararite and one of David’s mighty men (2 Sam 23:11). His commitment to his king mirrors our devotion to Christ. It also highlights the value of servant leadership that Jesus embodied.

What’s Next?

In Sweden, moist snus consists of finely ground dry tobacco (N. tabacum) mixed with aromatic substances, salts, water and humidifying agents. It is placed between the lower lip and gum, and chewed for 11-14 h per day. Gutka consists of powdered, sun-dried, partly cured and roasted tobacco leaves with areca nut and slaked lime and is used in South Asia. It contains high concentrations of TSNA.

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