The Reasons Why You Should Not Follow Danny De Hek’s Advice on Cryptocurrency Investing

When you look for a crypto influencer on YouTube, chances are high that you’ll come across Danny De Hek. This YouTuber comes from Christchurch and provides his viewers with advice and information about cryptocurrency investments.

Should you follow his advice? This article will discuss why you should not follow Danny De Hek’s advice on crypto investing.

De Hek: To Trust or Not To Trust?

“To trust or not to trust?” is the question we will be answering today. It’s important to note that Danny De Hek has a few red flags regarding crypto investments, some of which you should keep in mind if you consider taking his advice.

First and foremost, some articles reported Danny for false or unsubstantiated facts when reviewing crypto projects. For instance, when reviewing LunaOne, Danny made claims about the project that bloggers later proved false.

His opinions range from crypto projects to SEO and web development, but he tends to mix his personal opinion with facts. He is also an advocate of alternative ways of generating passive income.

There are online articles hinting that there may be a conflict of interest regarding his reviews. For example, his website offers fees for dedicated podcast episodes and sponsored posts.

This raises the question of whether or not he’s providing unbiased advice when revisiting projects on YouTube. In certain cases, Danny is more interested in increasing views than providing impartial insights about crypto investments.

De Hek’s Disinformation Campaigns

Let us say that De Hek is not sticking to facts. Can we call his practice “misinformation,” or would we go too far? Well, the answer is yes.

De Hek has shared false information about crypto projects numerous times. For instance, there was a video linking alleged Ponzi schemes to suicide cases of investors. This was very irresponsible, and you’d normally expect to find a medical expert addressing this material rather than an influencer.

This kind of bad journalism should not be encouraged; it is evidence that you should not trust De Hek’s advice.

De Hek’s Undue Criticisms of Crypto Projects

What happens when De Hek reviews a legit project working hard to develop a crypto community? Well, he often goes too far and finds a way to criticize projects such as LunaOne. But does De Hek have tangible facts to back up his claims? Not really.

If you begin a one-hour-long video rant by saying that you know nothing about LunaOne, you can hardly criticize it. It’s also worth noting that Danny De Hek claims LunaOne “knows what it is doing when it comes to fooling people into an investment opportunity.”

You should never take such a statement seriously, especially coming from someone who doesn’t understand the project in the first place.

With this in mind, you won’t be surprised to learn that LunaOne plans to sue Danny and that this isn’t the only time De Hek has been at odds with a crypto project. Feel free to look at his feud with HyperVerse, Apollo, and other projects.

Every time he “reviews” these initiatives, he seems to bring – willingly or not – the same bias, which is why we strongly advise against taking his advice on crypto investments.

Why You Shouldn’t Follow Danny De Hek’s Advice on Cryptocurrency Investing

Danny De Hek has a history of unsubstantiated facts, possible conflicts of interest, and disinformation. On top of that, many have found him too critical of legitimate projects without tangible evidence to back up his claims.

All this indicates why you should not trust Danny’s advice regarding cryptocurrency investing. Don’t be fooled by his charismatic personality: if you want to make an informed decision, do your research and consult independent sources.

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