remove skin marks

10 best tips to remove skin marks

Skin is the outer covering of every being on the earth. It is a cover that is a divine gift for all and there are lots of attempts to make the cover (skin) look a glowing one has been being practiced from time immemorial. People use different methods and tricks and treatments on their skin to get the desired look on the skin.

But at times, there are some unwanted scars on our skin in different stages of our life span. We gain excessive weight; we have unpleasant scars on the some specific parts. Even, women have some scars on their lower abdomen at the postnatal stage. The spots are visible on the abdomen, waist line, hands, knees, neck and even on their breasts. The marks make them look ugly and the feeling is unpleasant too to bear the marks on the body.

But is it impossible or too difficult to remove the spots from the skin? Once it was one of the hardest tasks, but now it is not. The spot removal is easier than ever before. Here are ten best tips to remove such scars from your skin within the shortest possible time and cost-effective manner.

Raise protein intake

Protein is a useful food ingredient to remove the scars. Increase your protein intake every day and take fishes, nuts, sunflower or watermelon seeds, white part of eggs, custards etc. in plenty. The foods will keep your skin moisturized and help in removing the scratches.

Apply Eggs

Eggs are not only food, they also play important role to make our skin healthy if we use it externally. You have to apply the white portion of the egg (remove the yellow part) and massage that until it mixes with the skin. Continue the massaging until the marks disappear.

Beauty products with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid helps to remove the scratch marks from skin. So, if you want to remove the scars, you can try toiletries or cosmetics made with glycolic acid. Before you buy the beauty products like moisturizer, cleanser or toner after your skin type, do not forget to check if the products are made using the acid. It works like a magic.


Potato has numerous applications and mostly is a popular food. It is also useful in removing the scars. Take a single potato piece and slice it into two. Then massage the sliced potatoes on the scratches for about 10 minutes. Rinse the place with clean and cold water.

Cream with Vitamins

At times the scars occur for lack of vitamins on our body. Only taking a balanced diet is not always enough to keep your skin healthy. Try using creams with different vitamins. Vitamin C is reputed to remove such scratch marks. So, you can get a cream containing vitamin C as ingredient. Apply it on the mark twice or thrice in a day. If you cannot manage the cream, take vitamin C supplement.

Lemon slice

Lemon contains different mild acid that is helpful for digestion. But it is also a remover for scars and other marks from the skin. So, if you are suffering from the unpleasant marks, you can use lemon slices. Take a slice and massage or rub it on the scar for 10 to 15 minutes. The massage is helpful to remove the scars within a short time.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are enriched with numerous natural substances and properties that are essential to keep the skin healthy. You can take few drops of vegetable oils (olive oil, argan oil and other available), mix them together and massage on the scar every day for about 10 to 15 minutes. It will remove the scars gradually.

Natural scrub

You can make some scrubs using natural elements. The most effective scrub is made from the mixture of lemon juice, sugar and olive oil. Apply the scrub on the spot and massage for 10 minutes, the spots will be gone gradually and by the same time you will get a glowing skin.

Apply aloe vera

Aloe Vera is another natural element used in scar treatment. Take out the jelly from the aloe vera and apply that on the spot. Keep the jelly on the spot for about two hours and clean with clear and cold water, and then dry the skin.

Apricot paste

The apricot paste is another natural element to remove scars. Remove the seeds from the fruit and make a paste. Use the paste on the scar every day for about 20 minutes. Try to apply the paste twice in a day. The result is outstanding.

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